Mar 16Liked by Andrew M. Weisse

So fascinating wow

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Mar 15Liked by Andrew M. Weisse

Wild stuff, Didn’t know that there were war mushrooms out there. Also Vikings are always cool. Valhalla!

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Loved it, but as a fellow psychedelic researcher, just a note it was the skin of Amanita they ate and there is a scientific reason. Amanita will give you a 15 min boost of energy, but the toxic aspects start creating muscle spasms. (Uncomfortable to say the least). Eating or smoking the skin can cause the short term effects as mentioned in the mythology.

Another odd aspect is the Vikings were originally a Druid culture but after the fall of Rome, became like ancient pirates in a power vacuum.

The knowledge of Amanita and it's uses pre-dates Vikings by quite a bit, but stayed in the hands of a Priest-craft.

There is an element of "mis-use" by the viking using power of the mushroom for extreme violence I find fascinating but so did the Aztecs and Greeks in some cases.

Fascinating history!

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